Maya Caskie is a composer, songwriter and writer of children’s books based in London. Over the past two years, she has written a collection of pieces and songs drawing from her experiences with identity, heritage and personal loss, in a mix of English and Japanese.  

In 2020, she independently produced and released her record Glacier Point, and self-published her first children’s book Maya’s Mountain with the generous sponsorship of Soumik Datta Arts. 

In July 2021 Maya received one of Sound and Music’s COVID-19 Composer Awards:

“I feel so grateful to be afforded an opportunity to keep nurturing my practice in such difficult and unusual times, so I would sincerely like to thank Sound and Music for selecting me for the “Covid-19 Composer Awards”. `With their support, I will be creating a digital exhibition showcasing new illustrative score works alongside recordings by the performers I will be collaborating with.” 


pareidolia (extract)